Inv-ace-able Card Trick
by Jonathan KammEffect
The magician asks the audience if they've ever seen an invisible card. Since they have not, the magician claims that he will make one! To do the trick, he will need the four Aces, so he pulls them out of the deck and sets them aside. He then has the spectator select a card, which he places among the Aces. With a flick, the spectator's card becomes invisible, and he puts it on the table. The magician shows that he is left with the four Aces. The magician "picks up" the invisible card, "turns it face up," and "throws it" into the deck. The deck is spread on the table, revealing the spectator's face up card, visible once again!
- Before the trick, remove the four Aces, and place them face down on top of the deck in red-black-black-red order from the top down.
- Start the trick by asking if anyone has ever seen an invisible card. Since no one has, explain that you are going to create one. Tell your audience that you will need the four Aces to do so.
- Next, turn the top four cards of the deck (the Aces) face up onto the pack.
- Spread the four Aces for everyone to see, and then pick them up as a single pile in Biddle grip with your non-deck hand.
- Now, deal the first red Ace face up onto the deck using your deck hand's thumb. Announce its suit and value to the audience.
- Deal the next Ace (a black Ace) face up on top of the first Ace that you dealt, catching a pinky break between them as you do it. Again, announce its suit and value.
- Next, deal the second black Ace face up on top of the first black Ace. Like before, announce its suit and value.
- Finally, deal the second red Ace face up on top of the second black Ace as you announce its suit and value.
- You should now be holding a face down pack of cards with the four Aces face up on top. You should have a pinky break below the top three Aces.
- Lift the top three Aces from the top of the deck as if you were picking up all four Aces. As you do this, wrist kill the deck, hiding the red Ace that you left behind from the audience's view.
- Place the three Aces face up onto the table as a single packet as you flip the pack over in your deck hand so that you are holding it face up. The red Ace you left behind should be the only face down card in the deck, and it should be on the bottom.
- Explain to the spectator that he must first select a card. Spread the cards face up in your hand, and ask the spectator to touch one card.
- Outjog the card the spectator touches, square up the deck, and then place the spectator's card on top.
- Hold the deck in Biddle grip.
- Now, use pinky pulldown manuevre to catch a pinky break above the bottom card of the deck (the face down red Ace).
- Transfer the pinky break to a thumb break.
- Next, swing cut half of deck into your deck hand, separating the pack in two.
- Point to the spectator's card, and tell him you will make it invisible as you perform a tip-over change, secretly dropping the face down Ace on top of the spectator's card as you turn it over.
- In your deck hand, you should have two face down cards (the top one is the Ace, and the one below it is the spectator's card) followed by a bunch of face up cards. In your non-deck hand, you should have a bunch of face up cards in Biddle grip.
- Place the packet of cards in your non-deck hand face up on top of the cards in your deck hand, but place them at an injog.
- Then, push the face up cards in the top packet flush with the deck as you use your non-deck hand's fingertips to slide the face down Ace out of the deck into the outjog position.
- Pull the face down Ace out of the deck completely, and set it on the table.
- Put the deck down on the table face down.
- Pick up the three Aces on the table, holding them face up (the audience should still think that the packet contains four Aces).
- Perform an Elmsley count to show four Aces. Count, "1, 2, 3, and 4 Aces," as you do it. Make sure that you do not call out their suits, because you will be showing the red Ace twice. If you're concerned about the audience noticing, you can perform the Elmsley count face down, but it isn't necessary if you're a good performer.
- Turn the packet of Aces over in your hand so that it is face down.
- Insert the face down Ace on the table into the middle of the packet, explaining that the spectator's card goes in the middle of the Aces.
- Spin the packet of four cards half a rotation, bend the top card up a little bit, and flick it as you let it snap back onto the packet. In effect, you really aren't doing anything during this step except making the audience think you are doing something.
- After you perform your flick, pinch your first finger and thumb of your empty hand together, as if you are holding a card. Explain that you have made an invisible card, and "set" it on the table.
- Deal the four cards in your hand face up in a row, showing that you are left with just the four Aces.
- "Pick up" the invisible card on the table, "turn it face up," and "throw it" at the deck (simply perform these motions as if you were handling a truly invisible card).
- Ribbon spread the deck on the table to show that the spectator's card has revealed itself again!